
KAVOD 2018 Annual Report

Detailing Allocations and Activities from
January 1-December 31, 2018
8914 Farnam Court • Omaha, Nebraska • 68114-4076
[email protected] • www.kavod.org

2018 Allocations:   $185,707.17
Total allocations to date (’93-’17): $1,410,891.15
Expenses to date: $75.48

  1. Save the Syrian Children…………….$172,707.17
    We partnered once again with Tamar and Phil Koosed and their amazing organization, Save the Syrian Children. KAVOD is proud to work closely with the Kooseds in providing medical supplies to war-torn Syria. Save the Syrian Children brings some of their supplies in to Syria through Israel in an extraordinary example of humanitarian concern for the other. All monies distributed to Save the Syrian Children through KAVOD were specially ear-marked for that purpose by the donors. [savethesyrianchildren.org]
  2. Hebrew Free Loan Society of New York……………………………….$2,500
    Jews have been supporting one-another through interest-free loans for thousands of years. Free loan societies were and continue to be particularly helpful to recent immigrants. Many of these newcomers, desperately in need of support, have difficulty qualifying for a bank loan. Free loan societies offer a helping hand to those in need. As loans are repaid, the money is “recycled” to help others rent an apartment or start a small business. KAVOD is a big fan of this model and has supported various free loan associations since our founding. [Hebrew Free Loan Society, ATTN: Shana Novick, 675 Third Avenue, Suite 1905, NY, NY 10017; 212-687-0188; www.hfls.org]
  3. Israel National Therapeutic Riding Association – Mitzvah Horses (INTRA)……………………………..$2,000
    Anita and Giora Shkedi continue to do their breathtaking work with INTRA, utilizing the tools of therapeutic horseback riding to achieve astonishing breakthroughs where other forms of physical therapy fail. Anita and Giora open up new worlds to people with a wide array of emotional and/or physical difficulties, including wounded soldiers and victims of terror.  If you never have seen therapeutic horseback riding in person, by all means find a center near you.  Even better, Anita would welcome your visit during your next trip to Israel.  How else will you meet one of the world’s acknowledged experts on the subject? The results are sublime, inspirational, and nothing short of miraculous. We helped sponsor the “adopt a rider” program, providing therapeutic riding sessions for people who otherwise would not be able to participate due to financial reasons.[INTRA-Mitzvah Horses,
    ATTN: Anita & Giora Shkedi, Hadassah Neurim, 40298, Israel;
    011-972-9-866-6305; www.intra.org.il]
  4. Jerusalem Rape Crisis Center (JRCC)………$1,500
    The Jerusalem Rape Crisis Center in Memory of Linda Feldman provides support to survivors of sexual abuse. The JRCC also runs educational programs for Israeli high school students to raise awareness about abuse and harassment. Approximately one-third of the callers to the Rape Crisis Center hotline are under eighteen years of age. So many of these young survivors are afraid to seek much needed medical and emotional help, and it is truly a blessing for them to have a safe place to find solace and counsel. The JRCC remains the only organization offering this kind of support in Jerusalem.[JRCC, ATTN: Michal Rosin,
    P.O.B. 2549, Jerusalem, Israel, 91024; 011-972-2-623-2451; [email protected]; jrcc.1202.org.il]
  5. Emergency Assistance………$1,500
    We provided emergency financial assistance for an individual in need.
  6. GESHARIM LETIKVAH / BRIDGES FOR HOPE…………….$2,000  –  Rabbi Edgar Nof is an extraordinary Mitzvah-dynamo. Through Gesharim Letikvah, Edgar and a team of committed volunteers do a wide variety of crucial work—with impoverished families, kids with disabilities, new immigrants, elders, and many more people on the periphery of Israel’s social and religious communities. He arranges for life cycle opportunities for children who wouldn’t have them otherwise, especially Ethiopian and Russian olim (and some families whose Judaism is considered suspect by the Chief Rabbinate) and children with profound disabilities. He brings joyful and pluralistic Judaism into public forums, such as public schools in Haifa around holiday times. Kavod made its first donation to Gesharim Letikvah in December towards its greatest needs, and we look forward to partnering with Rabbi Nof in the future towards helping make people’s lives whole, wherever in Israel he discovers them. CONTACT: https://www.facebook.com/GesharimLeTikvah.Bridgesforhope/, Rabbi Edgar Nof, [email protected]
  7. FAMILIES ON THE U.S.-MEXICO BORDER—RABBI CLAUDIO KOGAN………..$1,500 –  Throughout 2018, we were appalled and horrified by the unfolding humanitarian crisis taking place on the Mexican border. The family separations have been particularly distressing, and many of us have asked, “What can I do?”—aside, of course, from political action. Our friend Rabbi Claudio Kogan lives in McAllen, Texas (Ground Zero for the border crisis) and has been doing wonderful work with the children and families there. We sent him Kavod money to put towards the greatest needs as he saw fit. He bought warm clothes—jackets, shirts, socks, and gloves—for the children and their parents. He also purchased food and bottled water and delivered them to the centers where people who have been released from the detention facilities are hosted until they can return home. Rabbi Kogan knows the families and their stories firsthand. He is available to travel and speak to local communities about his experiences and can deliver a true picture of this crisis. CONTACT: Rabbi Claudio Kogan, [email protected]
  8. HIDDUSH—FREEDOM OF RELIGION FOR ISRAEL…………..$2,000 –  Rabbi Uri Regev, the Executive Director of Hiddush, is a Zionist hero, having spent his career as a tireless advocate for civil liberties and religious freedom in the Jewish State. Hiddush, founded in 2011, is committed to realizing the vision stated in Israel’s Declaration of Independence, guaranteeing religious freedom and equality to all of its citizens. As the Hiddush mission statement says, “The promise of religious freedom will strengthen Israel both as a democracy and as a Jewish state, and will bolster Jewish Peoplehood and the Israel/Diaspora relationship.” Hiddush is a non-denominational, non-partisan organization, committed to the idea that realizing the promise of religious freedom will strengthen Israel as a democracy and as a Jewish state. They commission studies of Israeli society, providing crucial date for policymakers; advocating tirelessly for women’s rights; and providing legal defense for victims of religious discrimination. Hiddush is a crucial voice for the freedom to marry outside of the draconian strictures of Israel’s Chief Rabbinate. Rabbi Michael Chernick is the Chair of Ruach Hiddush, their steering committee of rabbis and cantors. Rabbis Regev and Chernick encourage all the Jewish leaders in our communities to sign on to the Hiddush Vision Statement. To put it bluntly:  we have no doubt that participating in this work—preserving the inherent dignity and freedom of every citizen—is the great Zionist endeavor of our day. CONTACT: http://hiddush.org/ Israel Office: 18 Ha’Uman Street, Jerusalem, 93420; 077-530-4131; US Office: Hiddush-Freedom of Religion for Israel Inc., 182 East 95th St, Suite 24G, New York, NY, 10128
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